500 days to go

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March 25th – 1 year 4 months and 14 days from today

8.53am Not feeling really well. I wish I could go back to sleep and wake up tomorrow. Probably is the amount of things I have to do that are discouraging me. Like the stupid plant pot. Or the freaking dishwasher that I didn’t feel like loading since Sunday and I know that when I’ll go downstairs I won’t find any clean cup to drink my tea. I didn’t finish yesterday’s assignment either. Or a project in over 2 weeks. It’s just not a good day. I’m glad I wrote the story below a couple of days ago and that it’s not a depressing one.
Do you know those days where everything seems to be twisted and you wonder: what else can go wrong? And then after a bit when you thought it was impossible that the universe could be so against you, something new happens? I have plenty of those days. I was trying to make a mental list to see which one of those days takes the first prize but it’s not fair to compare the sad, the funny and the scary days together.
Those days are like when you are not home and you really need to use the bathroom. You start searching first and hope to find one soon. And of course, everything starts happening. Like, there is a long line, or the cleaning lady put on a sign saying: “use the 2nd floor bathrooms please” and then the elevator is out of order and the stairs are too far away. And meanwhile, you go through a lot of sweating and you talk fast and you are agitated and curse everyone who steps on your way. Plus, there this unmistakable face common to all human beings that is: “give me a fucking toilet now or I shit in my pants”. And then, when you finally pass all the obstacles and get there, you sit and find out there is no toilet paper!!

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Running out of toilet paper is one of my worse nightmares. I heard so many stories about missing such a precious item that now every time I go somewhere, I take a package of pocket tissues with me.
I have this friend who had the above mentioned experience once. She was in this really crowded bar with some friends. She needed to use the bathroom and for like the first time in her life, she went there alone. (It’s really common that girls go to the restrooms in pairs… that’s a chick thing. It’s like: “I have to go to the bathroom” “I go with you”). So she went to the bathroom, waited for a while because the line was long, and when she finally got to the toilet and sat, she realized there was no toilet paper or anything of the kind. She regretted enormously that she had left her purse with her friends. So she started desperately searching for anything that could serve for that purpose. And after some moments, she found in the back pocket of her jeans, a letter than one of her friends had given to her earlier. So she had this dilemma… dirty ass or letter? So she opened the letter, read it for the last time, and sacrifice it thinking, what a great friend I have!
I also have this cousin who had a similar experience… MANY times. But he doesn’t sweat it anymore. After suffering the first time, he came up with the idea of using one sock. I asked him: “Only one?” “Yes, one is enough” “Ok… And then what do you do?” “I flush it” “Really?” “Yes, that’ll teach them to put toilet paper in the bathroom next time” “Ok… And the other sock?” “I keep it as a souvenir”.
That was a great idea, but, if he’s not wearing socks??

9.12am Going to rinse a cup and have breakfast. That’ll probably lift my spirits.

8.31pm I didn’t rinse the cup, I used a soup cup πŸ™‚ . I think I caught a cold. I’m sneezing and I don’t feel well. I finished yesterday’s assignment but I have no will to do the one I got today. I’ll shower and go to bed.

~ by DotedOn on March 25, 2014.

24 Responses to “500 days to go”

  1. Using a sock was a stroke of genius! Thankfully, that hasn’t happened to me. The worst was not being zippered up after going to the potty.


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