Saturday. First of all, I want to apologize if I miss replying to a comment. Something is not working properly and I’m missing emails and notifications. I hope WordPress fixes this problem soon and stops making unnecessary changes.
I survived another December day. I used to love December until I was 12 I think. In my country, summer starts on the 21st and the school finishes always on the first week. So I was the entire year waiting for December.
Then I guess I got hormonal and started being angry at many things and people. I didn’t enjoy the Christmas/New Year time because there was always a problem. I heard my parents talking and it was more or less like this for weeks: “Where should we go on Christmas Eve?” “Who should we invite?” “I can’t stand your cousin Mary” “My mom hates that my brother goes to his mother in law but she can’t pretend that they spend all the holidays with her” “Did you book the pork for the 31st?”. Typical holiday topics. I personally didn’t like to spend the holidays at my favorite uncle because I can’t stand his wife’s family. I’m a very simple person and I love to wear shorts and t-shirts, even on Christmas Eve. I can’t wear all the sequins like they do and I didn’t like my mom pushing me to dress nicer. I can dress nicer if I want to but not under command.

So yesterday I called my mom after avoiding her for almost a week. If I’m down, I only send text messages. After how are you she started stressing about Christmas and it all came back to me. My sister is having surgery next week Friday and she’s stressing for that too. I hate not being there to support her, but giving the circumstances, I think she’d be supporting me.

I finally signed the house papers and closed the bank accounts that I had together with the man. It was a crazy day. I told the man I wanted to buy some stuff that I was used to get in Cowshitland, like my hair dye and underwear, specially the pink panties to wear on Christmas Eve. There is a tradition in my country and most women wear pink panties the 24th.
Last year for the first time in my life, I forgot. I was terribly depressed the entire 2013 and when the 31st of December I remembered that I had broken the tradition, I cried. Then when I felt a tiny bit better, I decided to get dressed and go to the store to get red panties to wear that night, like Spanish women do. In Chile women wear yellow panties for New Year. I love yellow but it’s not a color you can easily find.
I went to the man and said: “For the first time in 41 years I forgot to wear pink panties. I still can’t believe how I could forget. I’m going to the store now to get red panties and I’ll start a new tradition”.
So I ran to the store got my panties and went back home. Then put the washing machine because there is NO WAY I’m wearing something without washing it first and then I started preparing lentils. There is a tradition in Italy, people eat lentils at midnight for good luck. The man hates lentils and I was at the point where I would answer: “You can eat what I serve or prepare your own dinner”.

We finished with the bank papers and getting the hair dye at 10.30am. The notary was waiting for as at 11.00am. I said to the man:
“I’d like to get my panties now”
“It’s late”
“No, it’s not, we have half an hour, you could wait for me behind the store with the car.”
“Are you insane? I’m not going to drive all around town for your stupid panties”.
“Well, I don’t want to wait half an hour at the notary’s office, I rather get my panties.”
“It’s not half an hour, we still need to get to the car, drive there and find a place to park”. I think he understood how disappointed I fell because he added: “Go get your panties and meet me there, do you know where it is?”
“More or less, I’ll find it”. So I went almost running to the store and found pink panties for me and my daughter… Then I remembered my new tradition and started looking for red panties. Last year I didn’t have much time to look so I grabbed the first ones I found. Then when I was about to pay and the lady was removing the alarm, I discovered that the back had some printing on it.


Yesterday, the first thing I did was to turn them around and check what it was written behind. I picked those over: Miss Santa.


Wow, I’m showing my panties!! I remember when I was at school MANY years ago how embarrassed I felt if a draught lifted my skirt and some boy could see them… I guess I evolved a bit. Next year I may hang them by the window and create another Christmas original decoration.

I got to the notary’s office at 10.59am. I got lost in the town where I lived (and hated) for 17 years. When I got back home, I found more news about the cable company. Long day and 610 calories of chocolate.

~ by DotedOn on December 13, 2014.

32 Responses to “108”

  1. Reblogged this on Survivors Blog Here.


  2. The new tradition looks fun! As far as wordpress is concerned, some posts show up on my pc, but not my droid. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s why you missed my speedos!! 🙂 (106)
      New tradition will get better as soon as I can share it!

      I miss the notifications and it breaks my heart not answering, I hate being rude. I get an email and then I check and nothing is there!!


  3. I never knew there was a panties tradition in the world! I am kinda red panty girl myself! Might surprise the coffeefairy!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pink panties on Christmas Eve!! Love it!


  5. I love hearing about others traditions! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love the undies!


  7. I never knew there were panty traditions for the holidays. I’ll ask my daughter if she wants to start a new tradition with me. Hell, even my son can get in on the fun with his boxers (thinking red here, not pink for all of us). My daughter would probably go along with it as long as it involves shopping. My 15 year old son will think I’m crazy to care what color underwear he has on. You”ve given me a new project for the day.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. i need to get some yellow panties for new year then! my father is born in chile, but im born here 😉 those it bring luck or something? what about the pink on christmas eve? any luck involved there too LOL im looking for luck i guess, and some loooooove 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  9. P. Don’t tell anybody but, I always wear Sponge Bob Square Pants boxers for Christmas and my Hawaiian Hang Ten red with white lotus flowers boxers for New years. Tiger Mom bought them for a Christmas present a long time ago. She can’t stop laughing at me with those things on. I got her the Angry Birds sleeping pants, shirt and slippers. Fotos sind bis zum Nachmittag verboten. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I’m intrigued. What is the meaning behind the pink panty tradition? A southern tradition in the states is to eat black eyed peas on New Year’s Day but that is way less sexy!

    Liked by 1 person

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