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Mug shot Tuesday. That’s my morning tea cup day 2. Two years ago we went to spend Christmas in Spain and the house we rented had tiny mugs. Since I don’t drink much liquid during the day (I know, that’s bad), I push myself to have a huge cup of tea in the morning, so I asked the man to get me a BIG mug and that was the biggest he found. I was so depressed at the time that he didn’t argue with me about it. I think that being depressed had some advantages. For example, the days that I didn’t leave bed, he HAD to cook or my kids would have starved.

Yesterday the owner of the house came to look the fallen tree. He said he will take care of it as soon as his hand is in good shape again. He just had an operation. Then I told him I would have loved if he was the person who had open the tap. “No, when I come to this house, I ring the bell”. I really like him. He said he’ll go to the police and ask what happened last week but he reassured me that this place is safe and probably a few kids were playing in my yard. I hope so.

Very short post because I want to mail the bras and go to the supermarket. I don’t have anything here. We already finished all the emergency food.

One of my favorite shots. Olive tree with landscape. (And blue sky!)

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~ by DotedOn on January 13, 2015.

9 Responses to “139”

  1. Reblogged this on SURVIVORS BLOG HERE.


  2. I wish I could grow olives. I love them. That is a beautiful photo!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice pic!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh I love your view!! Beautiful. I saw that you had hit 400 posts the other day…what do the numbered daily posts count from? Sorry if i’m clueless 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    • 400 posts and 140 days that I live in Germany 🙂
      I’m too lazy to think of a title so I number them 🙂 (I always come up with a project where I need some kind of counting :D)


  5. Beautiful tree shot, Paola!

    Liked by 1 person

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