Wednesday. A couple of days ago I mentioned I watched the movie “Serendipity”. I like the idea of two strangers who meet and discover they are perfect for each other but for some reasons they do not accept the facts and put some obstacles in the middle just to prove that if they were really meant to be together, they’ll be together anyhow.
The movie goes on and many years pass until when they are about to get married. And as you can imagine, deep down they both keep thinking about that person who they met years ago and wonder what could happen and what if…?

What if is mostly what makes me take risks and jump in the pool before checking if there is water in it. Because I know it could be empty, but what if it’s full? I can’t miss that chance.
There are many parts of the movie that I like and some of them made me think for a long time.
But there was a part that I never paid attention before. The guy’s friend says to him: “You know the Greeks didn’t write obituaries. They only asked one question after a man died: Did he have passion?”.
Of course that made me search for hours to see if it was true or not.
I read a lot about Greek philosophy but I don’t feel like going deep in the subject.
Then I remembered long ago I read an article saying that the Greeks were on the top three of people who were most sexually satisfied in the world.
So I guess most Greeks have passion but I can’t really confirm that. I do remember while I was in Greece, the guy at the camping place who very passionately served my French fries without using a glove or a spoon, just his bare hand and looked at me and smile when I was mentally gagging. And the Greek bus driver who very passionately threw my bag pack in the middle of the street because he decided I had reached my destination. But I wasn’t there yet.

So here we go again. Passion. We need passion because without it nothing seems to make sense. Passion is the magic ingredient. No passion, nothing happens.
You are passionate about something when that something is meaningful to you.
I still can’t believe there are passionless people.

Did you know that the word “passion” derives from the Latin “passio” that means suffering? So the Passion of Christ is the suffering of Christ.
It seems that there is not one without the other.
Passion is suffering for something that is worthwhile. Tell me about it…
People may not understand how passionate you are about some things and some may even call you crazy. But, who cares? You should still follow your passion, even if it hurts.

If you live without passion, you are like a preprogrammed robot. For sure you’ll be accepted everywhere. You ARE what you ARE EXPECTED TO BE.
But is that the way to live?

You should have seen the passion I put writing this post. I almost burned the keyboard.

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~ by DotedOn on May 11, 2016.

23 Responses to “624”

  1. Reblogged this on SURVIVORS BLOG HERE.


  2. very good thoughts!…but ponder on this. Some may have passion to jump in pools with water or not , yes it could be empty , too hot ,too cold or even have sharks in it so on and so on. There could be people that have the same amount of passion but in a different way…due to thinking ahead , they know that the water will be perfect and amazing , with peace and comfort , surrounding them as long as it possibly can. πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

    • But if you think too much you may end up not jumping at all! And you will always dream of the peace and comfort of the perfectly amazing water that once could have been… And you missed it! πŸ˜€


  3. Excellent post, Paola! It’s funny, one of the lines I pay attention to MOST is that “passion” line πŸ™‚ There actually are passionless people. I know them and they live a “day-to-day, go to work, come home and watch TV, go shopping” kind of life. Nothing more. I can’t imagine living that way, just as how I don’t understand how anyone can be bored—EVER.

    And passion usually does involve pain, which is sad. It’s very true though, because it is typically bittersweet. Most things that involve passion are not easy—and never perfect (as nothing is perfect), so the incredible joy/lust we feel for the things we are passionate about will naturally have difficulties :-\

    Liked by 2 people

    • ‘Writersideup’ that’s a reply to think long and hard about. Thank you. πŸ™‚

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Donna!
      I love your reply! I can get bored sometimes and then I mostly cut my hair (which is much better than taking tweezers and plucking my eyebrows like many women do πŸ˜€ )
      I’ll write more about it soon and I may use your comment πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    • it’s funny, you two…I didn’t have time to word it properly, but I’m hoping whatever points you got are the points I was actually trying to make! lol And it’s true—I will never understand boredom. The world is too full of interesting things, and ways to learn/enjoy those things. I don’t have enough hours in a lifetime to fit even a small fraction in of the things I would love to do/learn!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I feel exactly the same way that you feel. There is no time to lose!!
        So you have no idea how much I hate when I get depressed. I truly suffocate because I really want to end the suffering, but I not always can πŸ™‚


      • Yes I understand πŸ™‚ the being consumed by routine, commuting work commuting again, shopping laundry is very easy to fall into you must keep hold of what make’s you happy πŸ™‚

        Liked by 2 people

      • Exactly! You can’t just be content in the rat race!! πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Ouch! You are one hot mama!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. And never give up seeking what you are passionate about. It took me fifty years.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Paola here’s a link to a lady I follow https://hookupcultures.com/2016/05/05/find-your-passion-project/ yes she’s old enough to be my daughter no matter like yourself she writes many interesting and thoughtful Posts πŸ™‚ but lol I leave the dating advice for other people.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The reason we live in a passionless society is so few are willing to suffer to attain what it is they want. Hence, passionless. Sad…

    Liked by 2 people

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