Thursday. School started this morning for everyone except my daughter. I’m awake since 7.20am. I want to go back to bed. Last night I managed to get all the school things ready for my sons but I still have to finish putting names on my daughter’s things. She starts school on Saturday. Because she’ll start the first grade, we must go to church and then to school. It’s a pain in the ass. I understand it’s a special day for the kids who start the first grade but come on! dragging the entire family to church and then to school on a Saturday is too much for me. I’ll try to see if I can make the man go to church alone with her and stay with the others home until is time to go to school. Last year I used the excuse that my youngest son couldn’t stay quiet. I’ll see if that excuse works this year too.
So far, I managed to skip this evening’s parents-teacher meeting because I said I couldn’t trust my kids alone for so long. Last year the meeting started at 7pm and at 9.30pm we excused ourselves and left. I thought that my kids were sleeping when I got home because I told them so but then I found all of them in my bed watching YouTube videos and none of them was ready to go bed.
I discovered long ago that my “mom hours” are thirteen. I can make fourteen on special occasions but not every day. That means that this evening I want all of them sleeping before 9pm or they’ll see my uglier sides.


I need to find a way to make them understand that I’m a person too. I know it’s a very complicated concept for kids but they need to understand that parents have their own lives. The sooner they get that, the better.
My mom never put herself first and now every time she gets the chance she complains about it. Last week she even cried. She regrets not being selfish. She regrets giving so much all the time and getting so little in return. She feels that she was there for many people and when the time came that she needed people around, nobody was there.
I never thought I would hear my mother giving this kind of advice: “If you don’t put yourself first, nobody will”.

I’m trying to teach my kids how important it’s that mom gets “mummy time”. I tell them that if I have a boyfriend, they have to be super nice and don’t scare him away because if they do, there is a chance that I won’t find another one and be alone for the rest of my life and if that happens, I’ll have plenty of time to stop minding my own business and interfere with their lives. I also add: “Imagine when you want to watch a movie with your girlfriend/boyfriend and feel like kissing her/him and I’ll be there watching because I’ll be alone and you’ll feel sad about it so you’ll HAVE TO invite me to watch the movie with you. Or when you have your own place and want to sleep until noon or have people over, you won’t be able to do it because old people like me wake up very early to visit their kids”. (They didn’t buy the ‘very early’ part though).

They already know that if mom is happy, everyone is happy.


I wonder if I can get those here.


~ by DotedOn on September 3, 2015.

27 Responses to “373”

  1. Reblogged this on SURVIVORS BLOG HERE.


  2. I think that you may have conveyed the importance of not scaring away any suitors! lol It wouldn’t work for me right now, because girls still have germs for 2 of my 3 boys.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh wow, you certainly know how to put the fear of god into them. School on a Saturday? Parent teacher meetings until 9:30? Unheard of!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I bet you can find a good replacement! The start of school is very stressful. It will get better.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “If you don’t put yourself first, nobody will” – I totally agree with the advice of your mum. You are a person too. Getting mummy time will make you happier and your kids will be happy at the end like you said. It’s a win-win situation so try to get them understand the concept slowly by slowly if they don’t understand it at first. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve said it before, but I so admire how real you are with your kids! If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Kim!!
      I always give them the choice how they want to learn their lessons in life 🙂
      I tell them I hate to say: “I told you so”, so they better think before they act 🙂


  7. “I’ll have plenty of time to stop minding my own business and interfere with their lives.” – best line ever.

    Liked by 1 person

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