
Sunday. I finished tiding up the closets, pairing the socks, folding and putting away all the piles of clean clothes. Now I’m doing a load of wash. Three more to go. If I get to fold everything and put it away, it’ll be the first time in my life that I accomplish something like that without my mom.
Yesterday she messaged me asking what I was doing. I said: “You’ll probably faint if I tell you… I’m tiding up the closets”
“Holy f#$k! That’s a miracle!! Bye”.
I think she thought that if she kept talking to me I was going to get distracted and leave what I was doing… And she was probably right.
I also made my kids clean their bedrooms. Probably is a very good idea if every now and then I ask the owner of the house to message me saying he’s visiting. That for sure helps my heavy ass to leave the couch and do something.

In the afternoon my oldest son’s friends came to invite him to hang out with them. I heard my son saying: “I can’t now, I have to tidy up my room. Maybe in a couple of hours”.
A few hours later the kids came back but my son hadn’t done anything so he said he couldn’t go. After a while he came to me: “Mom, if I finish my bedroom, can I go out with my friends”
“Of course. But first you have to help me do a couple of things”
So he finished his room and helped me with the things I asked. He probably took 25 minutes to do it so I said: “Now you can see that you missed a couple of hours with your friends because you were too lazy to clean your room earlier”.
I know what you are thinking, I could follow my own advice. But it doesn’t work that way with me. I have to be ready to do it. But it’s my job as a parent to teach them the right thing to do… And that is: “Don’t do what your mother does or you won’t get anything done”.
About one hour after my son left, he came back with his friends and asked me: “Mom, can we make a fire?”
“My friends and I would like to make a fire. I said we had wood to burn, can we do it here?”
“OK. Are you going to be careful?”
“Of course!”

So I let my son and his friends make a fire. After a few minutes my son came to ask for help. I went to help them and gave them some marshmallows to roast.
Then they asked me if they could go to the supermarket to get something to drink. I said it was already closed and the only thing I had in the fridge was wine and beer and that I knew how many there were left. And that they were MINE.
Then I said: “I’m going to take a shower and then I’ll go to bed. Please, be careful because I’m responsible for all of you and I just had a beer. That means: Call me if you need me… And with that I’m really saying: DO NOT NEED ME. OK?”
Then I said I was sorry I didn’t have anything else to drink. I asked if they had all eaten and if they needed something else, if not, I was leaving them alone.
One of them asked me: “Do you have weed?”
“Hahahahaha. No, I don’t. I don’t use drugs. I don’t think I need them. I’m naturally high”.
They laughed. I’m sure they all agreed.

Later in the evening when everyone was gone I asked to my son if they had a good time. He said: “Yes! My friends thanked you and said you are super cool and chill. That you are the best”
I almost cried.
Then he added: “Look, we have a new picture for the group”


I’m glad nobody got burned. I wouldn’t have known what to do if something would have happened. I feel I can trust them. I hope I’m not wrong.

~ by DotedOn on October 9, 2016.

12 Responses to “775”

  1. First, a big YAYAYAYAY for getting the closets done! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    I can tell you, you’re definitely a more easy-going, lenient mother than I was eith my son and his friends. I guess your property is big enough to allow them to make a fire (that was VERY high). I can’t help wonder if other parents have weed and let the kids smoke it for him to have even asked you that question :-\

    And I agree that we need to point out to our kids these lessons about procrastination, and certainly by example so do you actually say “See the work I create for myself by procrastinating? You DON’T want to be like me!”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Donna! πŸ™‚
      I’m really easy going unless I say “NO” to something and they don’t listen. Then I’m a monster πŸ™‚
      I’m not sure about other parents having weed. My son never told me anything. I should ask him πŸ™‚
      I try to teach them to do the right thing and show them the good example too (but it’s not always easy!) πŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s awesome! You’re a cool mom!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. he’s right. you are super cool and i bet he’s delighted he has you as a mom. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well, that’s a fire isn’t it? And what to do if someone catches on fire? Stop. Drop. And roll… baby, roll!!! Then kick some dirt on them for good measure.

    Liked by 1 person

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