Wednesday. There is still some more to tell, so I continue the story where I left it yesterday.
We went home from the hospital. I was glad to be there. My mom was going to stay a few more weeks. I tried to relax as much as I could but the school had just started and my job was to pick the kids.
The doctor wanted to run some tests to see if my blood pressure was fine or not. It was high. Also my cholesterol level was high. More than double of the maximum allowed. Never in my life I had high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels, on the contrary, I could almost faint because the blood pressure was always low and I was always close to the minimum level of cholesterol, and very proud of it. So you have to imagine my face when the doctor said I needed to take pills to get back to normal levels. I said I was only going to take the pills if I could still breast feed. I have to admit that the doctor spent about 20 minutes checking a book and calling to several places until she found the right drug for me. I went to the pharmacy and ordered it.
Next day I started taking the pills. I noticed that I was very sleepy but I didn’t think it was because of the pill. After all, I was still exhausted. I took the second pill some hours later and I fell asleep while talking to my mom. I was practically narcoleptic. I need to mention also that I was oversensitive and everything made me cry.
Next day I went to pick my kids at school and I think I was sleepwalking. I couldn’t react to anything, I’m not sure how I got back home. I started understanding the “Do not operate heavy machinery”.
The next morning I decided not to take the pills and go to the doctor. I didn’t have an appointment so the receptionist said that I should go back home, make an appointment and come back. “Are you fucking kidding me?” All this while crying, of course. Sob, sob, curse, curse… A bit more of cursing-sobbing: “I will sit in front of the doctors offices until one of them has time for me”… I may have added a f&^k you…
I went to the waiting room and sat in front of the male doctor’s door because the female doctor wasn’t there. I started crying completely out of control. Some minutes after, the doctor opened the door to call the next patient but when he saw me, he let me go first.
“I want to stop taking the pills”
I couldn’t stop thinking if this was all a joke or what. Not a warning, not an advice, not anything. Just a plain “OK”. So why in hell I had to start taking the pills in the first place? Never mind.
I couldn’t stop shaking my head. “I have to get out of this place because this place and its people are slowly killing me”.

The first thing I did as soon as I felt better, was to make an appointment to get an IUD placed. The thought of getting pregnant again and going through hell one more time, made me cringed.
A few days later, I had the IUD placed. About a week later, I started to bleed. And I kept bleeding for a couple of weeks. I called the doctor to check if it was normal. I was advised to wait until the next cycle and see. Again the same, the bleeding took about 25 days. I made an appointment to remove the IUD.
The gynecologist advised to run some tests and to use another kind and more modern IUD with hormones. I wasn’t really convinced but when I weighted the options, the secondary effects were way better than another pregnancy.
I made the appointment to place the IUD the same day I had to make the tests.

I entered the room. Imagine a big school room with the bed placed in the middle. No curtains or blinds or anything to block the view if someone opened the door. Which by the way, it happened a few times while I was at the doctor’s in Cowshitland. Knocking? No, why… who cares about the patient?
In the room there was the doctor, two nurses, a student, the man and me with my legs wide open. I had just taken the 4 pills they told me to take to avoid pain and to be relaxed. Guess what… Two of the pills were sedatives. And they work so well on me!
My tongue was asleep together with half of my brain. I could barely speak Spanish, and to formulate a sentence, I took about 20 seconds. I couldn’t process English so well (or at all) so I had the man translating and trying to reproduce what I was saying.
The doctor let the student do the tests. It was painful as hell, I fell humiliated, I couldn’t express it. The worse part was seeing my insides in two huge monitors in front of me. I was crying.
Soon after, the doctor came to insert the IUD. I was feeling sick and asked him to stop. He didn’t stop. I cried and babble something to the man like begging him to tell the doctor to stop. He said: “I think she has pain”. The doctor didn’t care much and continued doing what he was doing. I cried and said: “NO”. The doctor went on. Then I heard one of the nurses saying: “Doctor, SHE SAID NO”. So the rapist doctor sighed and stop for a bit. I couldn’t control the sobbing. I was very tense.
The man had again the face of: “Many women go through this, why it’s always you the one with all the problems?”.
I could barely breath and in the entire room, only the nice nurse was concerned about how I was feeling. She was holding my hand.
So many emotions made me more conscious. I manned up and let the doctor finish.
Then I asked: “Is it placed properly”.
“I’m satisfied about it, and if’s not in the right place, the hormones will prevent a pregnancy. So one or the other will work”.

My jaw dropped. I really wanted to kick the rapist doctor in the balls. Or at least, spit on his face. I think I held back because of the man.

~ by DotedOn on March 25, 2015.

35 Responses to “210”

  1. Reblogged this on SURVIVORS BLOG HERE.


  2. A horror! An absolute horror!!!!!!!!!! For your blood pressure, try a tablespoon in the morning of flax seed oil…the best combo (healthwise) is over a bowl of cottage cheese. The power of the omega 3 will pull that pressure down. The drownd your dr in the rest of it 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. wow

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, the doctor sounded like a criminal. Did you file a report against him?

    Liked by 1 person

    • No Rob, I didn’t file a report. I did complain with a colleague of him and I got a reply like: “Nobody will EVER believe what you said”. I knew I had plenty of witnesses, but bringing that memory back was too painful. I just couldn’t do it. And as you must have guessed, I didn’t have enough support.
      I’m amazed I’m writing about it now 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • It is healthy to release these thoughts and not hold them in. I hope that you are better now.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Since I started venting on Monday, I feel better. Thank you. 🙂
        I know some things are hard to write (or read), but that was actually what happened. Maybe my story will help someone :). I hope it does.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Crazy doctor he is! However, I’m glad you still managed to finished it 🙂 Hope your high blood pressure goes away from you soon! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. OMG! Rapist doctor…nice. Can’t believe he had the nerve to do that in front of witnesses.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. too disgusting for words. What a creeeeeep!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Twin P
    What I don’t understand is, why another after first kid. The medical system must be Socialist and you don’t get choices. As I mentioned last night, if every man had a hand up his urethra the world would be a better place. My gramps would grown with a catheter so you can only imagine. It didn’t help you were with a self centered man.
    I will provide some humor with two photos of Butler Percival. There not cropped and pretty but I know how badly you want to meet me. The roboto is going to your email.
    Rough day, pray for better tomorrow.
    Twin M

    Liked by 1 person

    • I wanted 4 kids Twin!! And nothing/nobody was going to make me change my mind. 🙂
      I love Percival!! 🙂 Thank you for the picture. I’ll write about him soon :)))
      I do hope you feel much better today.
      many hugs ❤
      Twin P

      Liked by 1 person

      • Twin P
        Butler Percival got some action on Sunday. I had one before but this is a much improved model. Percival is so advance he can handle any floor surface. I loved the mopping option.
        As for your post today, ASSHOLE would be the first word of a very long conversation. So glad you woke up and left, what man thinks his balls are going to get cut off????? So glad that nightmare is in the past.
        Have a great day.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m glad Percival is doing his job properly!!
        About the ASSHOLE, there is still a little more to tell, so he may get an upgrade 😀
        Try to rest Twin 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • My brain is crazy, I feel stoned and with my balance off I looked stoned. Anything that touches my skin sets it on fire.
        Life could be so much worse!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Or so much better!!
        And I promise you Twin, it’ll get better soon ❤ 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  9. OMG P! There is nothing more traumatizing than the abuse of indifference to suffering.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. what an awful experience!! i just cant believe how any doctor can not understand that this is not okay!! So sorry for you, wish I could have been there to kick him in his balls for you!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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